
million dollar baby - LIVE BLOG

5:05am - HM seems to have some great instincts as she felt that the baby was coming after our great meal at luby's.  it put her into a food coma and she woke up 3 hours refreshed and ready to clean.

at around 1am she started to feel some pain.  she did some paperwork while i wrote my previous entry.  after a trip to drop off our little nugget at my parents, we are now in triage prepping for delivery to begin.  6cms and ready to go!
happy morning!
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5:37am - this baby is coming with a quickness.  contractions are shortening and HM is requesting to squeeze my hand more often.  she's got a slight cough which isn't helping.  i know its part of the normal process, but watching someone you love go through so much pain sucks.

after a round of consent forms, HM's OB/GYN is here and now we're waiting on the epidural.  maybe time for some breakfast for dad too...

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6:21am - who is it gonna be?  i didn't get to post this time about our baby name choices.  we decided to  start new with a girl's name...no particular reason in doing so.  for a boy, HM had always liked Connor ever since the first pregnancy.  connor's name meaning is lover of hounds.  fun fact:  calvin's name meaning is 'little bald one'.  well, calvin came out with a full head of hair and actually LOVES dogs.  it would be horrible if we had a boy who came out hating canines.  for a girl, we chose Stella.  fitting since HM's vietnamese name means 'lady of the moon' (she's not 100% on the translation).
we're ready for either of u!
end post.

7:51am - epidural in, pain gone.  we are in the zone folks!  the new Texas Children's Pavilion rooms are quite nice.  Dr is in the room and they tell us we'll have our bundle of joy anytime now.  how exciting, even for the 2nd time around!  any guesses on boy or girl?!

end post.

9:25am - we are fortunate, proud parents for the 2nd time.  the feeling is nothing other than awesome.
eye on the prize

end post?!