

seems like vast changes have occurred since my last posting....

on the eve of my birthday, i am finally finding some time to sit down to gather some thoughts. not that i haven't been thinking about baby C or baby Z....quite the opposite has been happening. it seems like everything that HM and i are doing is revolved around baby preparation. this is probably a good thing and i doubt anyone would disagree, but sometimes i feel that we are getting to a point of pure indulgence for the child's sake. i've heard it many times before....'you always end up spoiling your first child'. i will be the first to admit that this is already holding true for our upcoming little one.

periodically, HM and i have a minor debate on our own childhood upbringing. she always ends up saying i was spoiled because my parents bought me a new car at 16, and i had video games and other material things. my argument on her is even though she grew up at a near poverty level, she was asked only to do one thing -- and that was to do well in school. sound like a bad argument on my side? maybe so, but HM also NEVER had to wash dishes/clothes, vacuum or clean, cook food for herself....ever. that is, until we started living together a few years ago. you can imagine how the transition went.

i later understood that my parents gave me everything they could afford without ever having the feeling that we struggled to buy things. i remember growing up and never really wanting more, but knew that i could probably do with less. HM and i talk about how much stuff we're already planning to buy and it gets ridiculous sometimes. but then i listen to stories of other parents (which seem to be plentiful lately) and quietly let out a sigh of relief that we're not alone.

so.... in order to prepare ourselves mentally - i decided to use last weekend (HM's last vacation for the next year) as a 'babymoon'. i never heard the term until a few weeks ago, but apparently it's similar to a honeymoon, but rather for the couple to enjoy their last time together 'alone' before becoming a family of three. makes perfect sense considering how so many middle aged people yearn for an empty nest. our laid back trip recap in a nutshell:

the hotel st. anthony in san antonio. historic....supposedly haunted. and apparently not for the height challenged. this is a shot of the mirror at eye level. also, the top of the bed mattress was above my belly button which we had to literally hop up to get on. who knew people back in the day were so tall?!

baby spoiler #10,923: the baby bag. HM was THIS CLOSE to saying, 'lets go home' after our own splurge at the pottery barn outlet. apparently, 10 minutes is enough to drop some coin on a very large and stylish diaper holder! i say, "as long as u love it and won't complain about it...then please get it." instantly - 'shooting yourself in the foot' came to mind.

baby spoiler: food. HM tore up some green chili chicken enchiladas at this mexican riverwalk establishment. she also had a strawberry margarita, which probably turned some heads. it's a virgin people (the drink..not HM)!!

less than 24 hours later, we hit up the infamous salt lick. an all-u-can-eat bonanza where HM and i made sure baby C/Z was fed wholesome helpings of ribs, brisket and sausage. if u love meat, u need to go. service was awesome and it's BYOB. remember to bring cash only!
.... there were other options on the menu, but why limit yourself while children under 3 eat free? the belly @ 26 wks salivating at the menu while waiting...

the last babymoon food spoiler. we hit up austin for a night and had a great dinner/social at Hula Hut with good company (thanks CB!). before heading out of town, we grabbed some gingerbread pancakes at kerbey lane with what seemed to be freshly squeezed orange juice...but i doubt 'fresh' comes out of a plastic gallon jug. i know, even at this stage, HM still can hide her belly.... but NO ONE can say that i'm not feeding her!!

below is a pic of HM selling her most beloved material possession for the past 8 yrs - her 1995 honda civic. the story behind it is that when i worked at carmax in college, i was able to snag this car for $4000 back in 2002. it only had 45K miles and she only drove it another 65K, but the car NEVER gave us problems. it even leaked oil in 5 spots and the exterior looked like it came out of war in beirut. AC blew cold and it started up like a champ. i know HM would want me to honor the car that brought her to and from college and med school. she was genuinely sad to let it go. here's to saying goodbye to an old, reliable friend...

the ultimate spoiler: baby's 1st furniture. ok - so maybe not THAT kind of furniture, but here is a picture of baby C/Z's reserved leather seat (he/she will be in the middle!). u know, HM and i put a ton of hours of research and thought into purchasing a vehicle and we came out very happy with our decision. we ended up getting something that i initially gave a 5% chance when we first started looking. i was open to larger cars, trucks, SUV's and yes - even a minivan! either way, i'm going to tell our child that we bought him/her a car at age (-3) mths, so they can never complain that we don't get them anything!

did you ever consider yourself spoiled as a child?!



  1. based on hang's 6 mth profile, i think your baby will be even tinier than i originally imagined. is she really pregnant or what?

  2. I totally concur... HM looks satisfyingly full!! Feed the baby moooooore!

    can't wait to see the babymobile you guys decided on!

  3. You aren't supposed to put babies in the middle! They're supposed to be sitting behind the driver or passenger seat. It's all about safety. I promise it's true.
